Brekeke SIP Server Wiki

4. 冗長化のテスト

  1. Setup and start mirroring on both primary and secondary server
  2. Setup and start heartbeats on both primary and secondary server
  3. Register UAs to VIRTUAL IP address or router global IP address which Brekeke SIP server is behind
  4. Make a call and keep talking without disconnect
  5. Make failover happen by shut down primary server or unplug primary server ethernet cable or stop primary Brekeke SIP server from admintool
  • From command line, check if the VIRTUAL IP has been added to secondary server PC
  • Access Brekeke SIP Server from VIRTUAL IP address, at login page, the lincense ID shows secondary server license number.
  • At Brekeke SIP server admintool > [SERVER STATUS] page, secondary server’s [mirroring-role] changes into primary
  • The call is still connected, and there is session shown at [Active Sessions] page.
  • If register more UAs to VIRTUAL IP or router global IP, the register request is sent to secondary server
  • if primary server PC is still running, check if VIRTUAL_IP_ADDRESS has been deleted by Brekeke heartbeat on primary Brekeke SIP server.
  • Make sure only secondary server PC has VIRTRUAL IP before starting up previous primary server PC or Brekeke SIP server or plugging in ethernet cable to previous primary server.
  • After failover, previous secondary server can be used as primary server and set previous primary sever as new secondary server.
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