SCA ー 端末の設定
SCA を使用する際には、通常、端末1台から2つの REGISTER を行います。通常の通話(SCAを使わない)のための SIP user ID と、SCA を使う通話のための SIP user ID のアカウントをそれぞれ端末に設定します。
通常の SIP user ID は、通常どおりの設定にします。SCA用の SIP user ID は、通常の SIP user ID に “~line” をサフィックスとして付けたものになります。例えば、通常の SIP user ID を test_a とした場合、SCA用の SIP user ID は、test_a~line となります。
(Brekeke PBX v3.5 以前では、”line-” をプレフィックスとして使用します。例では、line-test_a となります。)
管理画面の [SIP SERVER] > [Confirutation] > [SIP] > [Authentication] > [Terminating character for user-info] = ~ (デフォルト)の場合には、SIP user ID の ~ より前の部分と一致するアカウント情報を使用するため、サーバ側の認証情報は、一つ設定だけ設定することで、通常とSCA用の両方の SIP user ID による認証を行うことができます。(Brekeke PBX v3.5 以前では、SCA用 SIP user ID に対応するアカウントも別途登録する必要があります。)
Panasonic KX-UT1xx
Setup for SCA:
Panasonic KX-UT1xx configuration
Panasonic KX-TGP550 T04
Setup for SCA:
Panasonic KX-TGP550 configuration
Polycom SoundPoint IP650 / 330
Prerequisite: None
Setup for SCA:
Register a phone line as “line-6500” to Brekeke PBX server, and set “Type” as “Shared”
Set one or more in [Num Line Keys] field
Save the settings and reboot the phone
Polycom SpectraLink 8440
Prerequisite: None
Setup for SCA:
1. From Settings/Lines/Identification, register a line with “line-6500” in fields “Address”
Type:Shared Num Line Keys: 2 or any number as you need
2. From Settings/Lines/Server 1,
Special Interop: standard Address: Brekeke PBX server IP Port:5060 Register: yes
3. Save the settings and reboot the phone
Snom 360/7xx/820/870
Prerequisite: Firmware version 7 and up
Setup for SCA:
1. Register a phone Identity as “line-360” to Brekeke PBX server as shared line,
check [Identity]>[SIP]>[Shared Line] ON
select [Identity]>[SIP]>[Server Type Support] Broadsoft
2. Go to “Function Keys”, set any key from P1 to P12 as
"line-360@PBX_IP " "Shared Line" "<sip:line-360@PBX_IP;user=phone> "
3. Reboot the phone.
Linksys SPA 962 / 941
Prerequisite: None
Setup for SCA:
1. Register a phone extension as shared line,
such as, at phone tab [Ext1], set User ID as “line-201” and select “shared” at “Share Line Appearance / Share Ext:”
2. At the [Phone] tab, set any Line Key from 1 to 6 as
Extension: shared extension number in step 2, here is 1 Short Name: any name for the Line Key label Share Call Appearance: shared
3. Reboot the phone
The following dial plan is needed, when using linksys SPA9xx linekey to pick up shared call, which is put on hold by other phones
------------------------- [Matching Patterns:] $request = ^INVITE $geturi(From) = (^sip:line-.+@.+$) To = !sip:.+@ $pbx.inport = (.+) [Deploy Patterns:] To = %1 $target = $transport = udp -------------------------
Put the above dial plan rule on the top of others and click [Apply Rules] button.